Wednesday 26 November 2008

HMP Royal Hallamshire Hospital

It is now entering the 4th week of incarceration. I am starting to wonder if I am ever going to get parole, most of the other 'Guests' of Her Majesty seem to get time off for good behaviour!

I an feeling pretty rough at the time being. Hopefully I haven't caught eMRSA 15/16. As there has been no news; one can only assume the best!!!

Anyway it is now time for bed.

Goodnight One & All
Steve T

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday 1 September 2008

Return From a Stay in the Royal Hallamshire Hospital Sheffield

After an episode lasting 1hr I managed to get myself admitted to a different Hospital this time. It seems I am having 'Non-Epileptic Seizures'. On top of that I have lost feeling from below my navel, and it appears on top of that I have an issue with continence. Luckily just my bladder, however, I am not entirely cool with it.

I am walking of a kind using a wheeled 'Zimmer Frame' which really improves my self image and worth issues; NOT! Still it could be worse I could be stuck in a wheel chair!

I have decided to support the Sheffield Children's Hospital Charity and as such you will find links to my page on this blog! Please give generously!!

Sunday 20 July 2008

Trouble in Paradise

I am absolutely feed up with people who preach one thing and yet, when it comes down to the crunch. It's all forgotten and it's handbag's at dawn. I am a man and as such I am open to making mistakes, just as much as the next person. However, it seems with one particular person that this isn't good enough for them and are wanting to play hardball. Well I can tell you right know, I wrote the manual for playing hardball in the boardroom and I will wash the floor with this individual. It is a devastating blow as I have always supported this person to the best oft ability. Ok, obviously that's just not good enough. There was only 1 perfect person and they nailed him 2 a tree 2000 years ago. Part ofe wants to me the bigger person and just let them get on with it, however, they seem intent on destroying my integrity and standing with unfounded gossip. Something as a Christian we are called to ignore. I wish this person well in her new job. But I will never be able to trust her or the other guilty party's again.

Friday 15 February 2008

Secret to less pain, more pain relief!

I have finally been able to get some relief from my back, hip, elbow and knee pain. I am wearing a fetanol patch, I’ve had to have a df118 as well as paracetemol, but it’s working! Yippee

Thursday 3 January 2008

Chris & Sarah Having a Bad Time At Present

Sarah, phoned this afternoon, saying that once more, Chris has had someone back end them. On top of that Chris was unconscious at the scene, has head, neck, arm and legs injuries. I am shocked this poor family has been through the mill. I really think what with Sarah’s Mum being a complete snotbag. You know if we are ever in the position to adopt another child to add to our family, no matter how hard it is I am sure we would not make a differential between the two boys who are ours naturally and the adopted child. It almost seems as though she has adopted for the wrong reasons. It’s like she was doing it for the kudos at her church. I think personally after meeting her several times that she is a ‘Sunday Christian’ something which gives all the rest of us a bad name.

Father God,
I know that we are all human, and as such
liable to get things wrong.
Help all of us to search for your face and truly humble ourselves
before your throne.
I ask that you will be with Chris, Sarah, Zack & Louis as they
face yet another crisis. Help Sarah to find the strength to cope.
Lord wrap your arms of love, strength, protection and peace around the whole family.
Guide, the Doctors, Nurses and Specialists as they examine and treat Chris.
Help Chris to pull through without any lasting damage to him.
Lord I ask in your authority to heal in such as well that all the specialists will think it a miracle.
In your son our saviours name Jesus Christ.

Tuesday 1 January 2008

A New Year, New Hope of Peace, Love, Joy and Understanding

The Bells have chimed to say that yet another Year has passed on my journey down the path, called life. I am very lucky to share that journey with God and my saviour Jesus Christ. In addition I am privileged to witness the growth and beginnings of a walk in faith of my two boys George and Harry, and that of my Wife’s. I am in a lucky position that no matter what besets us our families are supportive and give us all the help they can.

It is at times like this, new beginnings or years, that we take stock of the blessings and downfalls that we all have. It is time for making, and if you are anything like me, a time of breaking promises, to do better this year. But this Sunday a very dear member of my church family told me to cease from striving. I have to admit I am still not entirely sure what she meant by it. But it was definitely a word from God. I have been beset with such words myself, such as be still, come and be obedient. I don’t know, but it seems I am being told to stop trying too hard. I am, I like to think, a man who sees a need and fills that need, whether I am best qualified or not. I find it hard to rest and let others work around me. A trait I am sure that has been passed onto me by my very dear parents.

I don’t see enough of my parents and sister and here families, but that is something that will always be the case when I continue to live and work in a city 200 odd miles from them.

I have decided that I must try and sort my finances out, I need to also make sure Vanessa has a clear understanding of what comes out and into our accounts. I am at the moment the only one who does, and I am aware that should my time be over she would be completely lost at a time when other matters would be more important to her and the boys. I must also try to keep myself fit, I will endever to loose weight and in doing so hope that the heart problems that I have will be lessened. I promise to try and read my bible more often. I also promise to be more patient. try to stop getting getting stressed out. I will let my friends and family tell me when I am doing too much. I will also be more confident. I want to lose the anxiety that has tied me to my bedroom. I will continue to work hard to work out the issues with Lis and the CBT (Cognative Behaviour Therapy) that will hopefully enable me to finally close the pandora’s box that have been troubling me since September.

My resolutions this year are something that I can and will be able to do, with help obviously. But achievable none the less. Too all who may come across this blog I wish you all the best, prosperity and blessing this year and always.

Friday 28 December 2007

Yet Another Trip to Chesterman 1, NGH

Yeap, I’m currently typing this in a side room on Chesterman 1. At least I got through Christmas Day! A&E then Chesterman 4 for 30 seconds, and do mean 30 seconds. Then back to my ‘favourite ward’. Anyway apparently I had a black out that lasted roughly 1hr 10 mins. I ended up in A&E with chest pain. Managed to black out as last night on the way back from the loo and landed on the floor. Wrist is sore and I am due to be going in for an Xray on it this morning. I really must see about getting a listing with Lloyds as a hazard to shipping. Any way hopefully going home today? I may well try and update later.